St tomas chu wgtn Green party thous reasons least math. See ## lawless plain

Cyclone Gabrielle baptism princ Bay wlgt 16.2.2023 storm num. Lpf. Least prime factors

More.. Sudoku. 99% work talk to self.

Energy I can control /co-me to me/ aotea civ dfns. Number phrases Disciple school /dictny num not like this kind. Chart multi.

Cheers friends keep safe. Many more?? +++ DTHS possible. Saying. It’s not hope and pray. Du rite thing. Protect disast pass over bible law command, eternal life. Copy and shadow. Npap rite last days plague. Petrol food store up x cheats 1 day supply. Greedy me. Don.
The rule is gud. And 98% ppl defy rule. God spared them. Next time long strong die tsunami. No brain wori idiots. Caution. Evac Immed napier says. Uaua river. Spell it out rain rain. Te awa road. That is river. Pretty clear. A fatal place to live and die. More lot missing will tell. Gabrielle/gabble rnz D
Thurs 16.2.23 7.3 morn

Combination of prime number characters for a dictionary number az26 quadrillion. Prog mity.

Fermat method 61*67 mill teach

What am I?

What am I? What is your truth eternal? And can I attack it? Otherwise you cannot be my friend. Satan is the chief of lies. There is no benefit in lies. The wages of sin. If mistake someone will be hurt. Medium means spirits unleashed. Dgrace false noise entertainment. Pls best chann #st lite26 nz. Discuss nghbr Sach. Walk Mnsfld constab. Newtown sun 1.1.2023 Welgton. I am happy chllge mistake. Corrxn. Wind chill must 373 k. Lava firework.

Many thx happily dave. Don update this. 2 Jan.

aa$[1915 ]=”who am I? What is *your truth eternal? If it 0.3% should dung heap? Not at all. Confess work on it! Yes some atom of truth. And can I attack it, help?

Bible prove all things. Validate scrutiny. Progress. *Right or left pray this Year. Otherwise you cannot be my friend. I still *talk to you. Satan is the *chief of lies. There is no benefit in lies. The wages of sin. Should lies protect cherish?* Rotten apple throw out. If mistake someone will be hurt.* Medium means *spirits unleashed. Dgrace false noise entertainment. Please best chann #st lite26 nz. first light *Discuss nghbr Sach. Walk Mnsfld constab. Newtown sun 1.1.2023 Welgton. I am happy chllge mistake. hapi Corrxn. Wind chill must 373 k. Lava firework.*

u truth etern I attack b frnd chief of lies. Sincerely

Dictionary number #trillion e11 translates decem #solstice as unique #menzed hi q plates. Shy me. Heaven hell. #Gematria 777.

Gwrc greater wlgtn regnal counc. Why is bus late. Daran? Nwtw #23 Houghton. Unsatisfy. Wgtncc trspt do proper. Nzdt

Toilet paper cannot tug. Hand basin splash when step in door. Confuse. Locked in toilet. 3 locks. Lesson free. Turn the clock lock. Skinny room. Elbow to right fingers. Parking foon Andy loves cars. Derelict. Danger revenue. Email read subj line max 40 min. Cannot answ phn. Attnd parkers no heaven und 25min under. Du fck °°° zero pct year. Fahr. Resign lazy. Du logjob 27mm 4k +26. Urgent shame performance school kid. Vote these *3. Their truth is private hobby. Not sci chem phys math prove. Gratuitous gossip anti democy hunt fifd disgust Satan. Don 25.10.22 wgt rgnal news and nz herald n world. Plain talk strait. No bus num. Door can’t open. Disqual wof. Awful fix’s lgoima billboards. 7.7.22 Evy week crupt never office inf answ. Gabble radio nz.