What NZ news good not? Y. Complaints. Critical stands. Mcdo newt. July ’22 bsa rnz media matters xjoin

Donald Newtown here as you know.
you should know but you don’t really care.
which means that there’s no complaints address for rnz New Zealand.
only George and Mildred, that’s the only email address I’ve got.
and the other one is they ignore it.
when they ignored complaints that’s a serious.
because you don’t think they are Fair enough with those.
won’t even give it a certain. just just don’t consider them.

Also tv3 ignore all.
You should do watchdog shame.

Your secret lobby faafoi.
Did you ever see a bcasting standard

Look at the decisions.
That don’t even state the complaint.
Content words.
Shame to the ^^^ million.

now you’re supposed to look into this job. so you know my history. you know the complaints not even. don’t even get read.
that’s a big s*** I’m telling you.
so thank you. pretty urgent urgent.

I don’t know what you do about standards.
do you complain about standards?
why do?
thank you John
Pay 80pct nzh.

Donald here then. but I see you
then bye bye, cheers

John known just stat
N per cent get upheld.

Kick into gear.
Appeal 85% that are never upheld.

In what way.
Satan media.
And you everyone never complain.
One person complains regular. Me.

Vital democy soc.

But you ignore.
Urgent appeal cases

They bsa refuse give print codebook.
Bcastng stands
2016-22. Threaten fine me.

See notices. Nz herald. 2021-22.
Contribute 80% pct.

Media matters
Several notices.
Big mssge Brooklyn or email.
Stewing 49 years.
Off my chest.
Plain talk strait.
10 parts don

Preview breaking 1 hr- covid cases peak. Fermat method, quintet, twin cub, autopay, art ai.

Ocr.. 15/7/22

hart: Kate Newton- Source: Health Minissy, Stuf onalys



Maths prime nums. Donald ..??
Plank said the fact that hospitalisations continue
x mult chart month Earth Mars Jupiter 1.04709994831E12, 1047099948310
As a result, many older people were less immune
As a result, many older people wee 22.9.2021. July 2-halt caina 3aR
meantime. NNS.

auto pa 2.5914196E X27 letter a1.
stand count the number ot his name.
un1que determined by emoj1 spell26.
auto pay 6.9968331 7E X27 +letter y25
1047099948310 (base27 a.2
349,0333, 1609
auto pay m 1,8891449572E10
gematria return numer1c of word.
auto pay me 5.10069138449E 11
GENERATE START 0f SEQUENCE fac 85e4.? auto pay men 1.3771866738137E13
17 11 13 17 19 23 29, NOT 2.3.5
very not Bi word.WOuG you reMULT 30
extract digits and make an 1nteger?
TYPE y ddd..
1.04709994831E12, 1047099948310,
349,0333, 1609
17 11 13 17 19 23 29, NOT 2.3.5
1.047099948271E12 1-29.
auto pay ment 3.71840401929719E14
GENERATE START Of SEQUENCE fac 85e4.? ENDING X pr.FACTOR sq-free?x cofactauto pay ment AP* art Ficl (base27
1.047099948271E12 1-29.
271 13 *cofac.
1,0470,9994, 82,77T PRIM2.2 return numer ic of word.
TIP: Final line commentary. interpret
10470 9994 8310 covid cases
ENDING XX pr.FACTOR sq-free?x cofact
TIP: Final line commen tary. 1nterpret
271 13 *cofac.
Fermatu me thod ratio 1.1367
95,9759 109.1003 diffce
pr orm-Dsq. sq(mean5rt)
auto pay ment AP art Fic
73 72cofac. SEV
10470 9994 8310 cov1d cases
1,0470,9994,82,77T PRIM2.2
**. ** *
3.71840401929719E14, 0.0
707 541 *cofac.
11 3MULT sQ.? cofac.
lookout tsoon, N.2 tp:. Soon poer
will it happen?
9371, 8404,0192.97,09TPRIM tws O0D BAG, KOWT=5″semiprime tri
RECENT quad4 3.71840401929709E 14
737 133MULT SQ.M? cofac, fermat iterations 64175.0 rtn 0. 39 173 cofac. Quart incld s pra bug4.0 Sx sprimes in month seqce 5-136
diffce. 1.1921177E7
713 1201 *cofac.
sits-0. month. wantg 9pr nums4 749 7 cofac.
1comment1inequintet autO payment
APtart FicL
19 551,0636.74769313E8smprim PRIWE GAP. count= 1.0×30 expctd LNC3.71840401929749E 14 33.5 sum rt 224. /wt least.prf=34963.
crsg fac.34963. 1.0635254467E 29. 7.
Rare extra PRINT oblong#. and sum of sum rt 1162/wt least.prf=551063 4-9197010919 inc, devel. Torm. squares: Warn. ey crsg fac.p129529. 2.870711593E p7. irregardless contin prime triples. 541. p1201. 551063. 6.74769313E 3.71840401929691E14, 3.71840401929697E14, a6 3./18404O1929701E14, inca4, 2.0 REM OBLONG NOS SUM SQUARES. 54083.0 torm-Dsq. sq(meansrt) how many 30 mnths, KN. KNT Mamaz8 nb bunch sm 1ge fact 7.0 learn search >8 will spd up, min 0., G00D BAG, KOMT5semiprime tr
bas27 dicty AUT OPA YME N
unique determined by emoji spell26.
Apri form-Dsq. sq(meanšrt) 789.0
23 cofac.
semipr symm spaced? 6n+0,2,4toggle
a 1. x27 +letter al.
3 121,883*2.862308741 E9smprim
triples quads semiprimes >83e4?
cofac. SEV
**pwsq large fact? hpns. FF sat way?
ar 45. x27 *letter ri18
QUAD clue 3.71840401929709E 14
307 11 *cofac.
art 1235. x27 +letter t20
93 371, 8404, 0192,97,93T PRIM7.4 8404,01929/691
bas27 dicty AUT OPA YME QM
bas27 dicty= AUT OPA YME Ws
art F 33351. X27 let ter F6.
67 cofac.
371.8404,01929/701 mod/inc 10.14 art Fi 900486. X27letter i9.
bas27 dicty AUT OPA YME NB
797 191 *cofac.
art Fic 2.4313125E X27 +letter c3.
19 348,8667, 7627.93,19TPRIM3.8
371,8404,01929/709 mod/inc 8.12
art FicL 6.56454387E X27 letter L12 Termat 1terations 62161.0 rtn 0.
bas27 dicty= ART FIC LTE LW
qeryquar tet.
79 2MULT sQ.? cofac. bas27 dicty AUT OPA YME N art Fict t 1.7724268469E 10 809 41 cofac. Quart incld s pra Dugs.0 4/05 art FicL te 4.78555248668E11 sum rt 44.0/wt least .prf=191.0
art FicL tel 1.2920991 714048E13
sum rt 1262/wt least-pr*f=793721
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crsg fac.23. 7. 19. p191. . 9. a bas27 dicty AUT OPA YME PO
Apri form-Dsq.sqe .s may: 121883. 2.862308741E 11 5.5
fac.p793721. 4.39533257E7

  1. 2.862308741E 11. 73. 67. p
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    triplesquads semiprimes >83e4?
    aas[1663 J=”transmissible BA.5
    subvariant. As of this week, BA.5
    accounted for halt of community cases
    and this was 1ikely higher given the
    lag in sequencing. on Friday, there
    313 67 cofac. RECENT quad4 3.48866776279319E14 QUAD clue 3.48866776279319E14 19 348, 8667, 7627,93,19T PRIM3.8 4x S”pr1mes in month seqcen 4-18 348.8667, 76279/291 t Z.4 Das2 o1cty= ARI Fic LE K 348,8667.76279/319 mod/inc 28.44 query quartet. fermat iterations 62161.0 rtn 0. $its-0. month. wantg 9pr nums 3
    ranrto h
    1comment linemart FicL tellgce” Ai
    tken 2 letter* quartet autopay
    bas27 dicty= ART FIC LTE LW
    average was 9994 up from 8310 last
    riday. while daly case numbers appear
    to have immed Fermat method 9mx10m2
    Quart incld s pra bug3.0
    4-91970319 inc p,91,. devel. form.
    bas27 dicty= ART FIC LTE LW
    sum rt 1262 /wt least .pr*f=793721
    P 24.39533257E 7.
  2. 2.862308741E 11. 73. 67. p
    348,8667,76279/327 mod/inc 8.12
    bas27 dicty= ART FIC LTE MD
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    has27 dictvz ART FIC 1 TE NK
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    bas27 dicty= ART FIC LTE LD
    aas[1659 J-“slippery pen, 0fficeuax
    aas[1661]=”auto pay ment AP twin cub7*
    art Elcl telg tellgce” Altken 2 letter
    aastl663 transmissible BA.5
    accounted for half of community cases
    and this was 1ikely higher given the
    ag n Sequencin8. on Frday, tnere
    were 10,470 new communlty cases
    reported, and the seven-day rollin8
    Friday, while daily case numbers appear
    to have immed Fermat method 9mx1 Om?
    factorisation. stuff 15/7/22 breaking8
    preview. donald
    aaS16) aa.
    11259 photos, 118 videos

Choose popularity or true faith? Me? Elvis? B hacked. Character victory.

Elvis vape seek popularity. Find true faith beliefs? 8.4pm 14/7

yours go to rgdsm.wp dPost science.

Go watch Elvis if you want?
is that good?
Destiny isn’t about Elvis Presley popularity.
true to your faith beliefs.
Hebrews 4.2. chann #26.
Jesus says if you love me you will keep my commands. If I follow false commands then
It means I do not love Jesus.

But bible clear. Millions will wonder after the beast.
And will not inherit eternal life. Think losers.
Goto bible. How many commands do I keep?

Which I consider immaterial.
Good news someone hacked my account because naughty dom?
com not me.

Actually a stupid imitation so don’t be fooled.
If you should examine test prove.
Follow the wrong person what good will it do you. Judgement.

I do not grieve a friend’s. If they know me better. If turn away / you’ve done that always.

I am pleased rid of their eternal truth holes. Shame Wellington. Quite plain signature satan.

now notices NZ herald better. 3 months editor. Facebook can have unique name.
your protection use it.

Follows notes on tv

6:35 p.m. today is 14/7 /2022 and thurs news time.

one tvnz 1 duchess Cornwall. Camilla 71-75 age. olde before Marry into royal family.
duchess Cambridge, skills the photographer.

NZ pearls
something in pearls Revelation magazine.
country magazine or .she edited special issue.

voices listening she listens carefully.
Keanly knows domestic abuse.
Future Queen. Example of mother-in-law get on with the job.

Something capital parking competence amounts 50 critic.

Vision I don’t know.
rivalry tonight new fine.
because the whole world is going to the toilet.

Gradient 5.9% tour de France.
that mountain xx training zone, soldier on.
Team runner up. Homework. car left dust.

Incredible proportions. stage 10m yellow?
Green door of 25 years new payday?

25 years yellow shirt jersey.
dream of 25 years new heyday halfway. Kilometres to come.

Golf 150 championship. In the last hour Campbell. Birdy on debut. Royal ancient Cuthbert. Dance few days chant.
then I went onto possibly seven Sharp.

Colin feral 21 temper tester for dogs and cats.
that sort **

now the pen ran out blue ran out .
black ranout
and red ran out there 75%.
completely finished can’t write.

green only ok green
Thursday 6:50 p.m. 75% now then

the advert New Zealand sucks angrey grape.
New Zealand sucks grey ranger ranger.

Light winds. Vaping in schools pervasive pervades reflection society concern. very addictive education. Vape something chemical signature.
Cell phone staff quickly and place occur now. this machine detect the the gas is the smell of and call to staff urgent.
under-18 they’re not allowed to buy.
buy what you put in your body ok.
then put in their body. know that they’re doing that they’re being stupid.
they’re cheating they doing foolish and they
will probably dye for that reason.
no that’s my xx my latest blog

regards alle how are you? hope you’re well.
see you then bye bye thank you

short●● Donald Newtown
(@mcdoNewt) recomm
DS (Don Newt fb) McDonald. B.Sc.

contacts. sun worship M T.ues
W T 14.7 July time 7.4 night 8.2 nyt edit.

Fri SABB7. jun wint 2022


Global email coys yah inflict world mental health. Plain strait talk just say wrong address whatever@co. Subject line

13/7/2022 4:56 AM, “X”

sent mail to “noreply@yahoo-inc.com; ” with subject “Re: Thanks for your feedback!”:

Norti yahoo unfriendly techgy coy.

Problems bug

Oppo A72.


Oppo phone A72 2020. N leeming nz voda

Average pic size
Camera about 4 MB.

Take many pictures but 1 mb

Would might allow 6 or 10 pic per email.

That shouldn’t strain the bank.

It’s supposed to b a phone
Not photo art gallery
Most users only take 3 x photo month.
And you burden me.
want 100 pic per day but medium res.olution.

Mostly email or facebk
Very difficult upload.

Email max sometime 2 and 4 jpg.
Select pics
Printout in your stupid order.

Screenshots and WordPress eg 1o pix

Have to pause long time loading pics and
80% fails start over
And blog wordpress.

Yahoo is worst.
Videos upto 4-6 mins
slow goto fb newsfeed Facebook

You probably know this
Program ever 2020 new.

Email contacts normally by yahoo nz.
Email doesn’t consult phn contacts devicem

Impossible to edit correct cull remove.
Repair email addreesses.

Yahoo zero support 1-800 etc chat.
I call $$$.

Zero support.
Compose send a72.

Bad attach to.. yahoo addresses.

Murder bn world
X unable to d kiver. Deliver.
Full of shxx

Just say wrong address
Or mispell
Or guess
Or address cease.

Simple clear efcnt statement.

Plain it should be immed obvious ..
subject line . demon demonf fck.

Email pics huge sq met cover the house.

And result text portion micro font.

Gw chair daran
Affects even top counc.

yours go to rgdsm.wp dPost science.



Give a decent answ
Fixs your bad appsm

Most ppl senior disadvantage.

Listen to I say 15 years.

Behalf 2 bn world
Sick mental health

Cost effcnt comm.
Plain talk

See the ctry shxx on feedback.

Yahoo bast.


Oppo NZ









Not acknwldg.

Cannot shrink all pics mb x 4 mb

Makes text micro font.

Too chars per line.

Want want

Auto incl send on main inbox


Type copy to me


Do it many

Reward 109k value gift advice advisory.


Show less

Discov3 tv news boast “gen elex tmoro” bad defend media. Nzh. 13.7.22 bsa.

. Toned down angry. Mild agre.

Bsa bcastng stds authy.

I have recvd the decision of discovery 3.
News item gen election tmoro. Tauranga.
Typical ¶¶ redact as ncssry much
¶¶¶> 13.7.22.
This decision was not prompt and it doesn’t say ¶¶.
It was ¶¶¶ investg8.
I am not happy.
Refer investigation and review of decision.

Please send current
Bsa standards.

¶¶. Usual ¶.

¶ media.
Everybody refuses to watch ¶ channels.
Civilisation democy depends.
Firstlite #26 is best.
Sack resign bsa.

Rich ¶¶¶.

No words.
The less I give ¶ better.

Sup nova 2011 Kathryn aurora gray.
240 (shd million) light-years.
We are all dead. Don pushed it back safe muscle. And the world.

short●● Donald Newtown

Population (pop prospect un 8e9 2022?) Word value qdrln. By Fermat 56*60m semiprime. 12/7 July.

United Nations population prime numbers 8 billion this year new. 2022. Donmfc.

What is (2k3)^3, 11cub #1331.? Multiply No carries toothy!. Could be 🀣 funny?. Least prime factor. What is expected all different digits until (decimal) repeated digit easy? .9*.8*.7*.6? So it’s about even odds 4 digits without repeat. 1:3 chance 5-digs?

Don complete row 1-9. #1 in positions .. sudoku only 3 distinct boxes.?

Don. Complete the sudoku. Row 1-9. #1 in positions 159.
Then #23 FF #1cyclic in each box.
Rows 4-9. #1 in positions 483/ 720?
Then #564 cyclic FF #1 6 columns later cyclic.
Finally row 3 #780m. Sudoku is solve? Agre?

Strike out digs each line make prime.

Swap 1 digit 12/45/78 to 0 respective lines. Create 9 distinct digs prime. Math fun. Easy level. Internet.