Complete maths problem least prime factor 7-11. solve here 87%. you can surely find the error. 2* scrnshot plain talk. πŸ‘ First πŸ₯‡. Mcdo newt mitey. Done 9pm update.

I now (9pm Saturday ) have big step to best result– prove 2 screen shot bottom legend, lite7, Wits7, cert11. Cases witness. 30.7

Month 30*k+1,7,..29 has 2* least prime factor 7 or 2*least prime factor 11. It couldn’t be more equal in the universe. Puzzle. Fun amuse me 20 yrs. @mcdonewt @10ticks. I call this Don number research. integer sequence.

Duplicate email. Month 30*k+1,7,..29 has

Math times plus days. 2*least prime factor 7 or 2*least prime factor 11. It could more equal in the universe
12-13? Puzzle. Fun amuse 20 yrs. @mcdonewt @10ticks. I call *Don number research. integer sequence.
Rgdsm W math yr2000. Prove 2 screen shot 1.8.22 nzh m0277 845.900

Mitey discover. You can.

TheDom, same-old voices witness 30k+1. Example
10, 301+6 LPF 7,11= lpf 7*43.
15, 451+6 LPF 7,11=11*41
17, 511+6 LPF 7,11=7*73.
24, 721+6 LPF 7,11=7*103
781+6 LPF 7,11=11*71.
2*7s but nilx 11s other*
31, 931+6 LPF 7,11=7*133.
37, 1111+6 LPF 7,11=11*101
2*7s but nilx 11s other*
1141+6 LPF 7,11=7*1001+140.
39, 1171+6 LPF 7,11=11*107
2*7s but nilx 11s other*
45, 1351+6 LPF 7,11=7*14-49
50, 1501+6 LPF 7,11=11*1001+506
52, 1561+6 LPF 7,11=7*1001+560
1771+6 LPF 7,11=11*1001+770
1831+6 LPF 7,11=11*7+8-1-3
66, 1981+6 LPF 7,11=7*1001+980
70, 2101+6 LPF 7,11=11*1001+110
72, 2161+6 LPF 7,11=11*8-8
2*7s but nilx 11s other*
73, 2191+6 LPF 7,11= / 7*21+91

Sequence 301, 451, 511, 721, 781, 931, 1111,1141,1171, 1351,1501, 1561, 1771,1831, 1981, 2101,2161, 2191,

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